Saturday 26 January 2013

For a number of years I have been crafting, a bit of this and that. During that time I've been following Lucy in Attic 24 and Theresa on You Tube, between them they have taught me how to crochet, I love it and I'm sooo grateful. I have crafting 'stuff' all over the house, boxes of yarn stashed discreetly away (I hope). A car boot full of stained glass equipment including boxes of coloured glass - too beautiful to throw away! A glass grinder in the wardrobe - you get the picture? I have such plans but I just don't have the time, unfortunately, I'm a craft obsessive who has to go to work.

These were my first attempts and I was so proud of them. lol!

Badges and cushions

Ear warmers and bags

Star gazing - copper foil method

Any one for a cupcake?


Attic 24 inspired;)

I'm currently attempting a pair of socks, but I'll save that for another day.

Sunday 20 January 2013

January 2013

Well hello there!

Is there anybody out there in blog land, one wonders?

It's been a while since my last blog but y'know what they say - new year, new start - time to give it another go.

A short update; my son is in his final year at uni and just turned 21, and my lovely daughter is also at uni. All that me time didn't quite happen because they're both commuting to uni and living at home. The house continues to be hectic, noisy and generally untidy - but I wouldn't really want it any other way.

Happy days - be sure to cherish them.

This evening the snow has arrived here and making everywhere look lovely. It's so quiet. Yesterday was frosty and I had to stop and take a few photos on my way to work. Hope you like. :)